2004-2005 Season

Luxury Cruise, by Fred Carmichael

Each of the three acts tells the story of a different couple on a world cruise: two antiquated ladies on their first trip, a married couple who know the husband is about to die, and a flashy bride who won the trip and is determined to bring culture to her husband (who is only interested in testing his poker ability with his fellow passengers). One is comedy, one more serious and the third farce. Episodes are interwoven throughout.

Clear characterizations, crisp lines, a lot of fun." - Manchester Journal

"Ideal for community theatre." - Rutland Herald

Play On, by Rick Abbot

Perfect for any performing group, this is the hilarious story of a theatre group trying desperately to put on a play in spite of maddening interference from a haughty author who keeps revising the script. Act I is a rehearsal of the dreadful show, Act II is the near disastrous dress rehearsal, and the final act is the actual performance, in which anything that can go wrong, does. When the author decides to give a speech on the state of the modern theatre during the curtain calls, the audience is treated to a madcap climax and a thoroughly hilarious romp. Even the sound effects reap their share of laughter.