1983-1984 Season

Pure as the Driven Snow or A Working Girl’s Secret,
by Paul Loomis

Audiences roar and join in singing old fashioned songs. On a dark and stormy night Purity Dean, a working girl with a secret, seeks shelter from the storm in a Vermont inn. She's been forced to give up her canning factory job as she can no longer endure black hearted Mortimer Frothingham's attentions. Working as a maid at the inn, she falls in love with the brave Leander, who works in a pickle factory. But Mortimer still pursues Purity and will win her by fair or foul means. And so he begins his campaign of villainy. He locks our hero, Leander, in a room with a time bomb. He escapes in the nick of time, but Mortimer's disappeared. Heavily disguised, he returns and Purity's treated to more double dealing and double crossing. Naturally Virtue eventually triumphs. Purity's secret is discovered, bringing her great wealth and happiness with Leander. Played in modern costumes.

June Groom, by Rick Abbot

On the eve of Jordan's 30th birthday on July 1, three days after his marriage to Dinah, he tells his friend Marty he's sworn to Uncle Harvey to remain celibate until this birthday to receive a fortune. Jordan is trying to keep his vow even though Dinah wanted to be a June bride. In a few hours he'll turn 30, Harvey's check will arrive and everything will be fine. Well not quite, because Harvey arrives to deliver the check in person, along with Aunt Bella. A frantic Jordan passes his bewildered bride off as Marty's wife. Dinah's Aunt Iris, a nun, arrives with a wedding gift and thinks Dinah is living with two men. Then Marty's wife shows up. Harvey finds a wedding announcement Jordan has updated to July 1 and thinks Jordan is marrying Ginger on his birthday. Dinah's mother shows up for a housewarming turned into an engagement party for her son in law and his best friend's wife! It's a side splitting, hilarious romp.